Exploring Different Options for Renewable Energy

Exploring Different Options for Renewable Energy
Exploring Different Options for Renewable Energy 

The surge in gas prices in the United States and ongoing conflicts in the Middle East, Nigeria, and other regions crucial to the oil-based economy highlight the urgent need for Americans to explore and establish alternative energy sources and production methods. In summary, it is crucial to decrease our reliance on oil due to its limited availability and the depletion of inexpensive oil reserves. Energy consultants and analysts strongly believe that the era of low-cost oil has reached its peak or is rapidly approaching its peak.  The implications of this are significant for our future expenses, unless we are able to discover alternative sources of energy to power our modern civilization, as opposed to relying solely on oil.  

It is crucial to transition to alternative forms of energy due to the detrimental impact our current energy sources have on the environment. While this writer acknowledges that the global warming trend may not be primarily caused by human activities, it is important to recognize our current contribution to environmental degradation and air pollution through our energy sources. Coal is a finite and environmentally disruptive source of energy that we must gradually reduce our dependence on. Its mining process poses significant dangers and contributes to pollution. We can also discover innovative and efficient techniques for generating electricity, reducing our reliance on hydro-power and minimizing environmental impact during the construction of large dams.  

Developing nations that have recently transitioned into industrialized economies will greatly benefit from investing in alternative energy research and development. These countries are currently causing more environmental harm compared to the United States. The United States, Japan, and select European nations are actively conducting research and implementing initiatives to foster the growth of alternative energy sources. As a result, these countries are at the forefront of efforts to minimize environmental impact. Developing nations like China and 

India can benefit from looking to Japan and the Western countries as models for prioritizing government support and private investment in research and development. By taking a leading role in the development of alternative energy sources, we have the opportunity to enhance our economy and expand our market reach to countries such as India, China, Brazil, and more. This will contribute to the overall robustness of our economy. 

Supertrees and soybeans as sources of biofuels, advanced hydroelectric technology, natural gas, hydrogen fuel cells, expansion of atomic energy plants, ongoing advancements in solar energy photovoltaic cells, and further exploration of wind-harnessed power are all promising energy alternatives to the extensive reliance on oil and coal that currently dominates our lifestyles. Green energy is the future.  

Alternative Energy: Exploring the Potential of Renewable Fuels 

Germany has emerged as a leading force in the alternative energy sector, particularly in the field of renewable fuel sources. The Germans have made significant strides and established themselves as major players in this game. In 2006, the German people achieved a remarkable feat by investing more than $10 billion (US) in research, development, and implementation of wind turbines, biogas power plants, and solar collection cells. This significant investment was made possible under the nation's electricity feed laws, showcasing Germany's commitment to renewable energy. In Germany, homeowners are allowed to connect to the electrical grid using renewable energy sources according to the country's "feed laws." 

This enables them to sell any surplus energy generated back to the power company at retail prices. Germany has become the leading nation in terms of operational solar arrays, biogas plants, and wind turbines, thanks to its strong economic incentive. Germany's annual energy production is boosted by 10% through the generation of 50 terawatt hours of electricity from renewable energy sources. Germany installed an impressive 100,000 solar energy collection systems in the year 2006.  

In the United States, BP Corporation has launched the Energy Biosciences Institute (EBI) with the aim of leading comprehensive research and development initiatives focused on clean and sustainable energy sources. One of the primary areas of focus for EBI is the development of biofuels for ground vehicles, which are known for their clean burning properties. BP's investment amounts to $50 million (US) annually for the next ten years. The physical location of this EBI will be at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. 

The University has formed a strategic partnership with BP to conduct research and development on innovative biofuel crops, advanced agricultural systems for biofuel delivery, and liquid fuel production machinery for sustainable automotive use. The University will take the lead in advancing genetic engineering for the development of advanced biofuel crops. The EBI will also prioritize technological advancements in converting heavy hydrocarbons into eco-friendly and highly efficient fuels.  

In the United States, there is an ongoing battle between Congress and the Geothermal Energy Association (GEA). GEA's Executive Director, Karl Gawell, has recently penned a letter to Congress and the Department of Energy. In order to prevent the DOE and OMB from reverting to their irrational decision to terminate the geothermal research program, Gawell suggests scheduling a congressional hearing focused on geothermal energy. This hearing would aim to highlight the potential of geothermal energy and emphasize the crucial role of federal research in this field. 

In addition, Gawell emphasizes that various reputable institutions such as the National Research Council, the Western Governors' Association Clean Energy Task Force, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have conducted studies that endorse the need for increased funding in geothermal research. This funding is crucial for the development of the required technology to harness the immense potential of domestic renewable energy offered by geothermal resources. 

Geothermal energy advocates, like myself, are astounded by the lack of public awareness regarding the immense practical and economic advantages that can be gained from investing in research and development of this renewable alternative energy source in the United States. Geothermal energy is a more cost-effective alternative to coal mining in the US, as it requires less expenditure per kilowatt-hour. Geothermal energy is a highly accessible and abundant source of renewable energy, located just a few miles beneath the Earth's surface. It can be easily harnessed through drilling techniques. Ormat, the third largest geothermal energy producer in the US with operations in multiple countries, is a highly successful billion-dollar-per-year company. Geothermal energy has proven to be a financially sustainable option.  

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