Abraham Lincoln and Benjamin Franklin: A Historical Comparison

Abraham Lincoln and Benjamin Franklin: A Historical Comparison
Abraham Lincoln and Benjamin Franklin: A Historical Comparison 

We believe that all the presidents of the United States were exceptional individuals, capable of handling the immense responsibility of the presidency.  One of the exceptional and commendable aspects of the American government system is the notion of citizen leadership.  The concept revolves around an average individual ascending to the presidency temporarily before resuming their personal life. 

Among the limited number of individuals who have occupied this position, a select few have distinguished themselves through remarkable accomplishments and exceptional leadership during a transformative era that left an indelible impact on the nation.  Abraham Lincoln: A Truly Great President  Lincoln's exceptional leadership during a significant internal civil war sets him apart from other presidents, as he navigated a conflict that extended beyond mere verbal disputes and personal attacks.  This dispute had the potential to divide the nation and lead to fragmentation, potentially resulting in numerous smaller and less influential states instead of the strong and united America we see today. 

Lincoln's exceptional leadership, unwavering commitment to values, and remarkable moral character were instrumental in guiding America through the war and initiating the subsequent healing process. These qualities ultimately paved the way for the nation's eventual restoration of unity.  Lincoln's tenure from 1860 until his passing was marked by significant challenges.  If he solely faced the challenge of managing the southern states' secession attempt and successfully preserving their inclusion within the American national territory, he would undoubtedly be celebrated as a remarkable American figure. 

One of the lesser-known leadership styles that Lincoln effectively utilized during his presidency was his strategic appointment of highly skilled national figures from opposing political parties to serve in his cabinet.  Lincoln recognized the importance of having diverse perspectives among his advisors to ensure that his presidency remained connected to the American people and avoided becoming one-sided.  Lincoln's strategic inclusion of members from the "loyal opposition" in his trusted inner circle allowed him to maintain a comprehensive understanding of various perspectives on every issue, thereby enhancing his leadership capabilities.

However, this is not his most notable achievement or the one that he is most remembered for.  His unwavering and courageous stance against slavery undoubtedly stands as his most significant contribution to American history and global history alike.  When Lincoln bravely took a stand against the prevailing popular opinion of his time, he demonstrated his unwavering commitment to ending the barbaric social sin of slavery. 

The stand did not come without any cost.  The Civil War stands out as one of the most devastating and expensive conflicts in American history due to the significant number of casualties incurred by both sides.  The recovery of the devastating war would require several decades.  The enduring division between the northern and southern regions has persisted for many years and remains an integral aspect of our national identity. 

However, the ultimate outcome aligned with Lincoln's desired legacy.  Abraham Lincoln's decisive action of issuing the Emancipation Proclamation marked a significant milestone in the permanent abolition of slavery. Building upon this monumental achievement, Lincoln further solidified the hard-won liberties of the Civil War era by successfully advocating for the ratification of the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments. These constitutional amendments played a crucial role in ensuring the enduring preservation of the freedoms attained through the arduous struggles of that era.   

The war that secured freedom for numerous black Americans forever solidified Abraham Lincoln's legacy as one of the greatest presidents in the hearts and minds of all Americans.  The monument dedicated to him on Washington's national mall is highly esteemed and attracts thousands of visitors annually. It serves as a tribute to this exceptional president who played a pivotal role in ensuring liberty and freedom for all Americans, rather than just a select few.  The presence of his face on Mount Rushmore is a testament to his exceptional leadership, solidifying his status as one of the most influential figures in the nation's history. 

Benjamin Franklin: A Brief Introduction to the Life and Achievements of this Influential Figure 

In the early stages of a nation's development, its populace may be perceived as lacking education, disconnected, or primitive.  However, the truth was completely opposite when the great American experiment started to form.  The global perception of America as neither provincial nor simplistic can be largely attributed to the significant contributions of a man widely recognized as 'The First American'.  The individual in question is none other than Benjamin Franklin. 

Benjamin Franklin is a notable figure among the group commonly referred to as "The Founding Fathers" due to his unique background as a non-military individual and non-politician.  He was among the few individuals we consider as one of our nation's founding fathers who did not hold the position of president.  However, it is important to acknowledge that his contributions to the establishment of this remarkable nation were significant and had a wide-ranging impact. 

Benjamin Franklin, widely recognized as a "renaissance man" during his time, was a remarkable individual.  He possessed exceptional expertise in various disciplines and had an insatiable curiosity for diverse fields of study and knowledge.  He contributed his expertise in political theory, historical awareness, and visionary thinking to the discussions with his fellow founding fathers. This played a crucial role in establishing the conceptual foundation of America, which eventually became a reality. 

Benjamin Franklin is widely recognized as a brilliant scientist and inventor.  And to ensure his qualifications in that field as well.  Every schoolboy or schoolgirl cherishes the iconic image of flying a kite to harness electricity for scientific experimentation, a timeless symbol of their remarkable achievements in our collective folklore.  These images are not a myth because Franklin was a renowned inventor who made significant contributions to the world. His inventions include the lightning rod, swim fins, the catheter, the harmonica, and bifocals.  Benjamin Franklin shared similarities with both Michelangelo and Thomas Jefferson, making him a great addition to a list featuring either of these influential figures. 

However, Franklin's significant contributions to the early development of the American experiment were in the field of political theory and philosophy.  He was the visionary behind the concept of a new American nation.  However, his exceptional skills extended beyond his remarkable foresight and intellectual prowess.  He possessed exceptional communication skills, writing prowess, and teaching abilities, enabling him to effectively utilize his eloquence and captivating charisma to advocate for the concept of an American nation, both domestically and on a global scale. 

Benjamin Franklin: A Global Citizen Comfortable in French Courtyards and Boston Pubs  He gained immense popularity on both sides of the Atlantic, leading to his appointment as America's inaugural ambassador to France. This role played a significant part in advancing the independence of the newly formed nation.  His immense popularity and exceptional persuasive abilities led to the French joining the battle in support of the colonies against the British. This played a crucial role in the triumph of the American Revolution, enabling the liberation of America from English dominance and the establishment of an independent nation. 

Franklin's writings hold significant value as cherished documents within the archives of this crucial period in American history.  His written work, as well as his influence as a thinker, intellectual, and international diplomat, played a crucial role in setting the standard for others to follow. This not only established America as a member of the international community of nations but also left a lasting impact on future generations.

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