Manifest Destiny: A Brief Overview of the Concept and Its Significance in American History

Manifest Destiny: A Brief Overview of the Concept and Its Significance in American History
Manifest Destiny: A Brief Overview of the Concept and Its Significance in American History 

America is a vast country with a diverse climate and landscape, spanning thousands of square miles of land.  The physical landscape of America is truly awe-inspiring, ranging from towering mountains to expansive deserts and fertile plains that stretch endlessly. 

Clearly, this was not always the situation.  When the first settlers arrived on the east coast and established their simple settlements, they were unaware of the vast expanse of land that stretched towards the west.  The remarkable expeditions of surveyors like Lewis and Clark were crucial in revealing the vast expanse of land that America had for settlement. 

Initially, the concept of establishing a nation appeared to be an insurmountable challenge for the early settlers to comprehend.  People migrated to this place in order to seek refuge from persecution, tyranny, or to establish a new residence for their families.  If they had been able to glimpse into the future a few centuries ahead and witness the remarkable growth of this nation as a global powerhouse, they would have been astounded by the impact of their early efforts.  The initial obstacles faced by settlers and early leaders in young America involved comprehending the magnitude of their forthcoming endeavors. 

However, they successfully understood the scope.  The awe-inspiring beauty of the future United States of America seemed to have sparked the idea of Manifest Destiny, a concept as magnificent as the vast land it encompassed.  Manifest destiny was the powerful driving force that compelled settlers and explorers to courageously traverse challenging terrains, endure harsh weather conditions, and confront various perils from wildlife and Native Americans. Their unwavering determination was aimed at establishing a nation that extended from the Atlantic to the Pacific oceans. 

The dream of the early settlers of this country was to achieve their goals and aspirations.  They witnessed not only the emergence of a new nation, but also the birth of a significant entity, with a profound purpose to evolve into a digital paradise of democracy and boundless possibilities.  One aspect of this idealistic vision included the concept of a country that extended from coast to coast, encompassing both Mexico and the Canadian border.   

When considering the remarkable feat, it is truly astonishing that a civilization lacking space photographs or modern high-speed travel could envision a unified nation of such immense size and scale.  However, it was not only the physical dimensions that resonated with the emotions and spirits of the early Americans.  Manifest Destiny was a powerful concept that embodied the aspirations of America's early citizens, fueling their vision for a prosperous and remarkable nation.   

The country's size was intended to symbolize the grandeur of the human spirit and the greatness of the American endeavor to establish a nation founded on freedom, popular sovereignty, democracy, and opportunity.  Today, these concepts may appear commonplace, and we owe gratitude to the early pioneers of this nation for envisioning and actualizing this dream collectively. 

Manifest Destiny has faced significant criticism for being driven by greed and a desire for empire building.  In the early decades of America's wholesale rush to the west, numerous individuals suffered and lost their lives, resulting in significant negative impacts on their individual destinies.  However, the undiminished aspect lies in the profound sense of purpose and belief that America has a significant role to play in shaping something extraordinary.  The enduring spirit of patriotism resonates within every genuine American, as we explore ways to contribute towards our nation's pursuit of Manifest Destiny - to serve as a global advocate for freedom and liberty.  Let's hope that Americans never lose their sense of calling and destiny.  If that fades away, something sacred and extraordinary will also fade away. 

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In the history of American military forces, there are notable instances that highlight America's perception of its military strength as a positive and just force.  The Gulf War of 1991 beautifully exemplifies the use of military force for a just cause, as America came to the aid of an ally.  This conflict is known by various names, such as Operation Desert Storm and the Liberation of Kuwait.  But regardless of the title, it was a necessary conflict for America to engage in due to an unfair invasion of a friendly nation and an act of aggression that we could not simply ignore. 

For a considerable period, the United States and other developed nations have tolerated a significant amount of uncivilized conduct from Saddam Hussein, the former dictator of Iraq.  He exhibited an escalating level of aggression in his determination to challenge the resolve and capabilities of developed countries in thwarting his actions.  However, the situation escalated when Iraq invaded and occupied Kuwait on August 2, 1990, alleging illegal oil drilling on the shared border. 

It is crucial to note that the United States and its allies did not initiate a comprehensive military offensive shortly after Iraq's invasion of Kuwait.  Efforts were made to peacefully negotiate and resolve the crisis.  Saddam Hussein's persistent pursuit of absorbing Kuwait and potentially expanding the attack into Saudi Arabia despite international opposition. 

The Gulf War: A Significant Demonstration of America's Commitment to Allies  We have demonstrated our capabilities in World War II, Korea, Vietnam, and the Middle East.  When a nation establishes a friendly relationship with the United States, the adversaries of that nation also become adversaries of the United States.  In this unprecedented invasion, Iraq not only launched a direct assault on one of America's allies, but also put Saudi Arabia, a crucial ally, at significant risk. 

America capitalized on its strong alliances with countries worldwide, harnessing a formidable international coalition as the plans for war progressed.  A total of 34 countries provided troops, ships, arms, and other military assistance to support the American military in repelling the invasion. 

One important lesson learned from this war is the remarkable efficiency of the American military, which has left a lasting impression on America's adversaries.  The assault on January 17, 1991, commenced with a powerful air attack that left both the Iraqis and the global community astonished.  The intensity of the bombings and the resulting firestorm unleashed upon the Iraqi military due to their defiance of the west severely hindered their ability to establish an effective fighting force to counter the overwhelming military response to their aggression.   

After the successful air attack, a remarkable ground campaign unfolded, showcasing the brilliance of modern warfare strategies.  America utilized advanced technology to successfully confront Iraq's formidable army within their own territory, resulting in a decisive victory.  The Iraqi military adopted a strategic approach by positioning themselves in the vast desert region, recognizing its potential as a formidable barrier that would deter any potential adversaries from successfully navigating and locating their rear flank.  The coalition forces, under the leadership of General Norman Schwarzkopf, made a crucial strategic move by utilizing advanced satellite technology and navigation systems. This enabled them to successfully navigate the desert terrain during nighttime and execute a remarkable surprise attack on the Iraqi Republican Guard. As a result, the coalition forces achieved a decisive victory, dealing a significant blow to the enemy. 

The term "Lightning War" accurately characterizes the exceptional capability of the American-led coalition armies in successfully defending against the invasion of Kuwait.  In the early part of March 1991, the major hostilities came to an end and Kuwait was successfully liberated.  Achieving victory against an adversary within a remarkable timeframe of under 90 days is an unprecedented feat that surpassed all expectations worldwide.  But showcased to the global community that the United States had the capability to safeguard its allies and halt an oppressive ruler. 

Since the war, there have been ongoing discussions about the strategic decision President Bush made regarding the capture of Iraq following the defeat of Saddam's armies.  President Bush demonstrated exceptional wisdom by steadfastly adhering to the stated mission and successfully restoring Kuwait to the hands of its rightful owners, the Kuwaiti people.  President Bush in 1991 demonstrated remarkable wisdom in his leadership, leading to the highly successful military campaign known as Operation Desert Storm, which stands as one of the most triumphant in the history of the United States.

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